Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen

SDE @ StripeMS CS '19 @ UW-MadisonEnthusiastic about creating tools to make life better.

System Design




each chunkserver can have multiple chunks, each chunk have lots of files

Read: client master => namespace => find the chunkserver for client side chunkserver: Provide data for client; communicate with the master thru heart signals


System architecture master + workers

MapReduce: 6 steps

split (for worker)
map, Map (key, value)
shuffle (sorted/hash across worker, group key)
reduce, Reduce (key, value)

Q. how to use MapReduce to count?

Q. how to use MapReduce to calculate inverted index?

Q. how to use MapReduce to group anagram?


Inverted index

Case Study


  1. Scenario
  2. Nessecary:
  3. Application:
  4. Kilobat
  5. Evolve


  6. Network

    • latency
  7. QPS
  8. computation

  9. storage

    • memory
    • disk

Rate limiter

Token Bucket Algorithm

Generate a token in a fixed rate, put the token in a bucket until it fill when there is a coming request, fetch the token

Leaky Bucket Algorithm

Design typeAhead (autocomplete)


  • autocomplete
  • lookup


  • Network

    • average latency < 100 ms
    • 95% < 50 ms


Trie Tree: look up time: O(length(word) + k)

  • average length of word: m
  • number of words: n
  • space complexity: O(m * n * 26 * ptr)

SQL: SELECT NAME FROM table WHERE name like ${query}% ORDER BY NAME


             Browser -> Local cache
    Aggregator (Dispather) --> Cahce
     /                      \
Personal Ranking        Golbal Ranking

Design Twitter

Write Tweet

Fanout + social graph Push Timeline lists

TimeLine lists have all the following post

Pull Feed lists Each person write to its own feedlists. Followers then pull from their following feedlists

Read Timeline

DAU Only consider active users

Timline Builder

build timeline with UserID integrate feeds to generate timeline

GET(userIDList, k), # k: top k users, lazy load
GET(userIDList, k, endTime, beginTime)


Pattern: Backends For Frontend

  • When you don’t have BFFs, then often the ‘common’ logic ends up being baked into the different clients themselves
  • Other

Strangler fig problem

  • How to maintain the old code base and at the mean time rewrite/refactor the code
  • An alternative route is to gradually create a new system around the edges of the old, letting it grow slowly over several years until the old system is strangled
  • When designing a new application you should design it in such a way as to make it easier for it to be strangled in the future. Let’s face it, all we are doing is writing tomorrow’s legacy software today